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safe water

Safe Water Investing

USAID, the U.S. Agency for International Development, provides humanitarian assistance around the globe. Established by then-President Kennedy in 1961 as a way to support American security, USAID’s goals include the promotion of resilient democracies and eradication of extreme poverty. This… Read More »Safe Water Investing

profits short-term junk food

Why Short-Term Profits Are Corporate Junk Food

Short term profits are certainly tasty. Increasing quarterly earnings are celebrated with abundant praise from Wall Street analysts, the press and shareholders reveling in rising stock prices. But this focus on immediate financial gains often comes at the expense of long-term fiscal health. It’s much like eating junk food: it may feel good for a moment, but it’s not good for one’s overall well-being

climate action

What Can People Do to Combat Climate Change?

It would be easy to despair over climate change. After all, not only was 2024 the hottest year in recorded history, it was also when the world crossed the 1.5 C threshold that nearly every government pledged to avoid. But there are things we can still do, as individuals and together, to address, and hopefully reverse, the impact of global warming.

Fast fashion

Fast Fashion and ESG

Fast fashion refers to the rapid production of chic, low-cost clothing designed to meet ever-changing consumer demand. Brands like Shein, Zara, and H&M excel at this model, but it often presses against labor rights and environmental sustainability. As awareness grows,… Read More »Fast Fashion and ESG

HBO Industtry

ESG on TV: What HBO’s “Industry” Gets Right — And Very Wrong — About Sustainable Investing

ESG investing is ready for its close-up. Hollywood has previously ventured into the cutthroat world of high finance in movies like Wall Street and The Big Short. HBO’s drama Industry continues this tradition, following a group of young, good-looking, London-based… Read More »ESG on TV: What HBO’s “Industry” Gets Right — And Very Wrong — About Sustainable Investing